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Omicron Challenge: Funniest, Wildest & Pettiest Omarion Variant Tweets/Memes

The pandemic is posed to be over

If there’s one thing Black Twitter is going to do, it’s joke about a serious situation like the emergence of yet another alarming COVID variant that currently has the whole entire world in a frenzy.

First identified in South Africa, the latest COVID update (named after Greek letter Omicron or a Transformers villain) has caused concern among public health officials while fueling hilarious Omarion variant memes across social media.

On Monday, the World Health Organization called Omicron a variant of concern and warned that the global risks were “very high” despite very little being known about the virus.

So far, cases have been identified in 20 countries including Britain, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands.

As of right now, Omicron hasn’t been detected in the United States yet but experts say it’s only a matter of time before the variant pop-locks in the states.

Based on early studies, it’s believed Omicron may only cause mild illness based on limited data from South Africa’s cases among young people.

Naturally, top infectious disease expert Dr. Fauci urged people to get a booster shot that would most likely provide protection against severe disease.

“We’ve said it over and over again and it deserves repeating. If you’re not vaccinated, get vaccinated, get boosted if you are vaccinated, continue to use the mitigation methods, namely masks, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces,” he said.

How are you feeling about the Omarion variant? Will you be getting the booster if you haven’t already? Tell us down below and peep the funniest, wildest, and pettiest Omarion variant tweets/memes on the flip.

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