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GoScamMe? Houston ‘Brick Lady’ Charged With Felony Theft, Assault Story Verifiably False Says Prosecutors And Detectives,

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Source: SOPA Images / Getty

A Houston woman who took the internet by storm for over a week is back in the news after a report from Click2Houston (C2H) reveals more sordid details about the viral incident. BOSSIP previously reported on the triggering story told by the woman who was then identified as Rho Bashe and is now identified as 33-year-old Roda Osman. Prosecutors have now criminally charged Osman with felony theft by deception for the $40,000 that she raised via her GoFundMe campaign following the controversy.


As you might imagine, this story is a clusterf**k of a story that is more than a bit convoluted, however, we’ll do our best to break it down as simply as possible. Originally, Osman told police that she was hit in the head with a brick after denying a man her phone number. She also said she believed the culprit was her Uber driver who attempted to kidnap her as part of a human trafficking ring with other women.

During the investigation, Osman’s friend who was there that night told police that she did not believe that Osman was attacked with a brick nor were either of the two men they were with Uber drivers. The unidentified friend did recall hearing Osman say “Ouch – why you hit me?!” from the backseat of the car but never heard an argument. During a second interview with Osaman, police say she changed her story to say that she was attacked at  Liquid Lounge Club, not an Uber vehicle. but became upset when detectives began to ask more probing questions.

Detectives were able to locate a surveillance camera that was in the area where the alleged brick beating took place. The footage marked Sept. 3, 2023, allegedly shows a very different version of the story Osman than the two that she told them. The video shows four people, Osman, her friend, Olan Douglas, and another man walking into TikTalk Garden lounge and exiting 20 minutes later. It also shows Osman dancing on Douglas while he leans against a white Maserati in the parking lot before all four of them get inside. Minutes later, Douglas and Osman exit the vehicle in an argument and Douglas is seen hitting her in the face with a water bottle, getting into another car, and driving away. Nothing on that video shows a brick being thrown or used threateningly against her.

On Sept. 4, 2023, the day after the incident was reported to police, Osman had amassed $42,302 in her GoFundMe account.

This story was huge at the time and caught the attention of a woman named Daphne Sutton who is a mental health influencer on TikTok. Sutton told detectives that a similar incident involving Osman took place in Minnesota in 2020 where she claimed to have been attacked by a Black man and raised funds via GoFundMe.

The description stated: “A young Black Muslim single mother was viciously assaulted by private security in Minneapolis, sustaining multiple facial contusions, a black eye and injuries to her leg. She needs an estimated $5K to pay for medical bills, legal fees and a new phone and more.”

The Minnesota Police Department verified that they had no record of Osman being attacked in 2020. Moreover, a former friend and roommate of Osman’s reached out to the police to inform them that their friendship ended when she discovered that Osman was scamming people out of money.

At this time, Osman has not been arrested but it sounds like that will change very soon. We’ll provide more information as the story develops.

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